Homeopathy, which now has more than 200 years of clinical history, is a very safe and effective form of therapy. The clinical records of hospitals and clinics along with hundreds of peer-reviewed basic science, pre-clinical, and
clinical studies demonstrate its ability to cure a variety of diseases, from cholera to rheumatoid arthritis.
Homeopathy is practiced in over 50 countries in the world including Europe, South America, India, Indonesia, and United States and Canada. The royal family of England have had their personal homeopathic physician since the 19th
century. It is one of the most common alternative medicine in the world.
The story of homeopathy begins with the discovery by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician in late 18th century, that quinine has symptoms similar to malaria and that is the reason it can cure some cases of malaria. Dr. Hahnemann
continued his experiments over twelve years of testing natural medicines on healthy people, and using them on sick people proving that the principle of likes curing likes was the key to restoring health.